How to Celebrate Purim
And get kids involved!
by Jewish Gentile Couples I March 10, 2025
At Purim, we celebrate a famous interfaith marriage in Jewish history. That marriage had many inherent challenges (to say the least), but still we remember that without it, the Jewish people could have been annihilated.
It can be an amazing time to remind your children that their Jewish identity means something special. Their heritage is worth learning about and passing on. And when you come to the part in the megillah (scroll) where Mordechai tells Esther that she was chosen “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14), you can remind your children that the same holds true for them.
And besides all that, Purim means an opportunity to dress up in costume, make (and eat) buttery jam-filled cookies, and give back to your community. So have fun!
Read the Megillah
It’s traditional to read the story of Esther at Purim. This will help get you in a celebratory frame of mind! Haman plotted the destruction of the Jewish people. God made a way for them to survive. That is a reason to be glad (and dress up, and make cookies)! You can read it together at home and/or attend a reading at your local synagogue.
For households with little ones, there are some great children’s books available to help supplement your reading! One that we love is Mystery Bear. It’s a cute “hibernation gone wrong” story. And the summary of the megillah in the back is excellent.
Dress Up!
Purim is a day for costumes. Some say this tradition originated because of the way Esther hid her true identity until the time was right. Many young girls will choose to dress up as Queen Esther, and boys often love to go as Mordechai. (And why not? Their bravery is worthy of imitation!) But at Purim, you can dress up however you like. So, pick a character from the Bible, a movie, or modern life; then go all out or simply use what you have in your closet. And have fun!
Make Traditional Treats
What would Purim be without hamantaschen (or if you’re in Israel, oznei Haman)? First, invite your friends over. Ask them to bring their favorite jam or other spread to fill the cookies with. Then let the debate ensue: are we making (and eating) Haman’s hat or his ears?
Oh, and make the cookies! Here is one of our favorite recipes for buttery hamantaschen by Tori Avey.
Do a Purimspiel
The Jewish people have always been an aural culture—a storytelling one. Maybe they were on to something long ago: that there are different kinds of learners, and kids often learn the kinesthetic way.
You can plan your purimspiel (Purim play) weeks ahead of time by casting parts, choreographing, and directing. Or you can do an improv narration of the story on the day of, and ask whoever’s willing to jump in and act!
For kids who might like to role-play the story on a smaller scale—and for a resource you can turn to year after year—we recommend this Esther Read-and-Play Scripture book.
Tzedakah (Charity)
Celebrate freedom by giving back. It’s traditional to give mishloach manot (a Purim gift basket) to family and friends. You can also donate time or resources to serve in your community. There are fun and collective ways to do this!
If you’re reading the story or putting on a play with a group, encourage your friends to bring canned or dried goods to be donated to a food bank afterwards.
As a family, you could donate food or sign up to serve a meal at a soup kitchen.
The story of Esther reminds us that the Jewish people have survived; doing mitzvot (good deeds) reminds us of one way to thrive.
Your Reflections
So, what was the best part of your Purim celebration? Did you try or learn anything new?
We’d love to hear from you! Tell us your unique story about this or other holidays in your intercultural home.
You can also send us a message if you welcome a listening ear. We love to talk to interfaith couples about finding harmony in issues of communication, family, and tradition.